Reality Behind Coffin Dance Video

Reality Behind Coffin Dance (Real Story)

Reality Behind Coffin Dance (Real Story)

Millions of videos are uploaded on Social media everyday and some of them becomes viral.

Just Like Them this coffin dance video got extremely viral on social media in which 6 men are carrying a coffin on their shoulders with someone's death body in it, all of them are dancing.

But The Real story Behind This will Shock you.

It is the story is of Ghana, a country of Africa,
In 2015 A lady was travelling from America to ghana
her mother-in-law died living in Ghana.

In the whole world when someone dies, people feel sad and expresses their condolences, but in Ghana the scene was completely different. The women's mother-in-law was kept in a coffin after that 6 men came there in suits and a whole band was their along with them who were playing music, men lifted the coffin and started dancing. It was a shocking moment but the question is that why they were doing this ?

This is the culture in some area's of Ghana that when some one dies they do this..they believe that their beloved one is going to the other world, so they want him/her to leave this world happily. It has become a business in Ghana and these 6 men you're looking at does this business. They are called as Paul Bearers in Ghana.

This person below "Benjamin Aidoo" is the Head.

This man started this service in 2010. They are normaly 4-6 people.
In Ghana people call them on their beloved one's death
In Today's date more than 100 people are working for Benjamin Aidoo, they also have a regular dance academy where they practice this dance but this dance is not that cheap they charge about 400$ for each performance.

When that lady saw this view she shooted a video of them and posted the video on her Youtube channel, they became famous from there.

The BBC then made a documentary on them in 2017

Today These people have become famous not only in Ghana but also in all over the world.

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