Johnny Depp shows off his art skills

Johnny Depp shows off his art skills

Holyywood Superstar Johnny Depp showed his skills in art after finally completing a painting of a wine bottle, 14 years in the making. 

He shared his completed work of art on his new Instagram account this week revealing he's been utilizing the constrained vacation in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic to return to past side interests he had since a long time ago relinquished. 

In his lengthy caption:'It's odd, the things that we once gave such pure, intense focus and devotion to for months on end. Then suddenly the wind shifts and off we go on a new tack.'

He proceeded: 'And for a really long time, these previous interests or interests unfortunately fall by the wayside and retreat into the immense openings of some hoarder's crawlspace in the cerebrum shrouded in stacks of different things that my skull had no room for...until as of late.'

He went to explain he came across the incomplete canvas while in quarantine, and was inspired once more to pick up his paintbrush.
He continued, "I found this painting, which I had started in 2006 ... for 14 years I'd never touched the painting - the occasional glance, at best. Yet it somehow always lingered in my mind, this piece of unfinished business.
"Even while we are forced to live in the immediate, some strange species of the interrupted passion that has been invested in an object we once focused on awaits our return from far away. I will keep you apprised of the progress! All Love, JD".

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