Maulana proved himself once again a great man: Waseem Badami

Maulana Tariq Jameel apologizes to the media

Waseem Badami, a popular anchor person has agreed with Maulana Tariq Jameel's stance and said that the conciliatory sentiment by Maulana was not required. He is a man of significant privilege and such a little motion ought not have been requested by him. 

Maulana Tariq Jameel substantiated himself indeed an incredible man, Waseem Badami. 

It is to be noticed that Maulana Tariq Jameel showed up on the pledge drive a couple of days back which was directed by Leader Imran Khan. Senior grapples and writers were likewise present in the program who got insulted by the words utilized against the media. This drove Maulana to apologize on the National TV and demonstrated his significance. 

Pakistan's driving stay Mubasher Lucman likewise upheld Maulana saying that there was no requirement for a statement of regret from a man of such an amazing privilege. He appropriately talked on the program and an expression of remorse from him shows his incredible liberality.

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