Umer Ilyas – The Defender of Holy Quran

Umer Ilyas – The Defender of Holy Quran

Umer Ilyas is the man who assaulted Lars Thorsen, the pioneer of the 'Stop Islamisation of Norway (SIAN)', association for consuming a duplicate of The Sacred Quran during an enemy of Islam rally in Norway. This lamentable occurrence occurred in the city of Kristiansand of Norway in spite of evident admonitions from nearby police authorities when the counter Islam association said it wanted to do as such. 

Muslims over the glob took to the web based life to adulate Umer Ilyas, however his careful character couldn't be found right now. In a video coursing on the web based life stages, Umer Ilyas could be seen hopping like a Lion into the blockaded hover to spare the heavenly book from being spoiled. 

Saint Of Muslims, Umer Ilyas figures out how to snatch Thorsen's coat, convoluting him. Be that as it may, the aggressor tumbles to the ground in the wake of endeavoring to kick the counter Islam association pioneer. Nearby Police at that point scramble to separate the battle as a few others surge at Thorsen. 

The Nearby police promptly arrested Thorsen and his aggressors after a fight broke out, as per neighborhood media reports. 

In one video cut, Thorsen is driven away by police with his hands behind his back, while his underlying aggressor is wrestled to the ground by a gathering of cops. 

As per reports, two duplicates of the strict content from the outset were tossed in a rubbish can during the meeting, while Thorsen put a match to another. 

#ilyas_Hero_of_Muslim_Ummah, #Norway, #Defender_of_Quran, #TheGloriousQuran and Muslims began drifting on Twitter in Pakistan. 

Umer Ilyas demonstrated that it just required intensity of Taqwah and Eman in the heart to battle against detestable. As Dr Muhammad Iqbal said in his manner: 

کافر ہے تو شمشیر پہ کرتا ہے بھروسا 

مومن ہے تو بے تیغ بھی لڑتا ہے سپاہی 

The Pakistan Association Norway (Play on words), a significant social and social association, emphatically denounced the episode. 

Play on words Administrator Chaudhry Qamar Iqbal, in an announcement, alluded to Lars Thorsen, and said he has harmed the suppositions of Muslims by spoiling the Heavenly Quran. He said that Norwegians were quiet individuals and Norway delighted in a decent notoriety around the globe as it regarded the privileges of different religions. 

Iqbal said that the individuals of Norway and its Muslims were likewise harmed over the way that the tainting occurred with no attempt at being subtle and the police did nothing to stop it. He censured the police for getting a move on when the man bounced in to stop the tainting and, rather, went to the guide of the instigator. 

DG ISPR salutes 'Protector of Quran' 

Asif Ghafoor tweeted "Salute to overcome Ilyas for showing boldness to stop a completely regrettable activity. Such Islamophobia based incitements just advance disdain and radicalism." 

DG ISPR further included "All religions are and should remain good. Islamophbia is risk to worldwide harmony and agreement."
Salute to brave for displaying courage to stop an absolutely deplorable action. Such Islamophobia based provocations only promote hatred & extremism. All religions are and must stay respectable. Islamophbia is threat to global peace and harmony.

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