Codex Gigas-The Devil's Book

Codex Gigas- The Book Written By the devil Hismelf  

In Europe, there is a library in a city of Sweden "Stockholm"
The name of this library is "National library of Sweden".
There is a mysterious and terrifying book in the library, the name of this book is "CODEX GIGAS", it is also called "devils bible". This is the largest book ever written in Europe which still exists today.

It is said about this book that the book is written by the Satan (Shaitaan) himself.

Mystery of Codex Gigas:

It is a very large book it is about 36 inches long and 20 inches wide. There are 320 pages in the book. It is said that this book was written on donkey skin. The skins of 160 donkeys were used to write this book. One of the shocking thing about this book is that there is a huge picture of Satan in the book, red horns and and two tongues sticking out. I will tell you later why this picture was made in this book...

This story starts from 13th century. It is said that in 1229, that in Europe where the Czech Republic is today a Monk used to live there his name was 'Herman the reckless', He was sentenced to death because he had broken some rules of his religion and then this monk was imprisoned. He begged for mercy so it was decided to pardon him on one condition...the condition was that he had to write a book within 24 hours which must contained all the information from around the world. He had no choice, and he started writing this book on donkey skin. But as night fell, he realized that he would not be able to write such a book in just 24 hours. And then he decided that he will take the help of demons to complete the book, that means he decided to sell his soul to Satan.
Well, the devils themselves helped this monk to write this book that night, Satan himself wrote the book that night.

Magic, history and treatment of various diseases and many more things are written in this book. Later, when this book was completed monk made a huge picture of the devil on one page of this book to thank the devil. After that, the life of this monk was saved but the book started to become famous in the whole world. Monks, who lived there at the time, sold the book to that time's Roman empire king 'Rudolf II. King Rudolf was obsessed with this book and it is said that he used to read this book all the time and then very soon he went crazy and he was declared unfit to be king.

One of the great mysteries of this book is that it would have taken twenty-five to thirty years, but it could not have been written so quickly by a single person. Another shocking thing is that the ink which was used to write this book was made of Insects. Researchers believe that the writing of this book is the proof that the book is written at the same time without taking any break. The handwriting was so much different. These are all things that give proofs this book was written by Satan himself.

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