Reality of Mermaids

 Reality of Mermaids

We all have been reading and listening Mermaid's stories    since childhood.Internet is full of such videos in which it is claimed that a  creature that looks half female and half fish exists in our  world.
But does this creature called 'Mermaid' really exists in our world ?

These Stories of mermaids starts from Syria,
Its is Said that about three thousand years ago, the people living there believed that a princess has become half a fish after jumping into a lake but her face is the same.

This Story maybe starts from here, Ancient romans they considered mermaids as their enemy. They thought that from underwater these creatures attack their boats.

As time goes many people in the world claimed to see water fairies (mermaids).

~ A Famous incident is of Cristopher Columbus, he is the man who discovered America. It is of about 1943 he was on world tour and then he claimed to have seen a water fairy on an island, he said it was not a female fish but it was a man half of his body was like a fish.

~ Another strange story was about Captain John Smith, this man was one of the most famous explorer of Britain. He claimed that in 1614 he saw a water fairy in the water from his boat he thought it was a girl but then he realized the half of her body is like a fish. It is also said about Captain John Smith that he fell in love with that water fairy.

As time Goes on water fairy tales became more and more popular in the world, like in the Carribbean island these are called water spirits and people in island call her "WATER MAMA".

There are many villages in island where it is believed that these water fairies have taken their loved ones with them in water. But has anyone ever captured water fairies in cameras in form of pictures and videos. You will find many of such videos and photographs on the internet.

In an Amazing video it can be seen that a water fairy is sitting on a rock above the water and then goes into the water. After this video went viral the local government put a big reward for capturing the creature.

As can be seen in another video Some fishermen were fishing in North Atlantic but something other than fish came into their net you can see this creature's hand, but it can't be said that it was a water fairy (Mermaid).

But one thing is clear that no solid evidence of the existence of water fairy (Mermaid) has been found to date. Maybe these are just stories that are spread all over the world. 
But The trust is that we humans have never been able to go to the 95% of the sea. And we still don't know which other creatures live in the 95% part of the sea.

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