Why do headaches occur, what is the solution?

There are headaches all over the world. It has nothing to do with age or gender. Sometimes the whole head starts to feel dizzy and sometimes there is pain in a certain part of the head.
Headaches are caused by a physical disorder, blood pressure or depression.
A scientific report on headaches has been published in the Saudi magazine Al-Rijal. What are the types of headaches, why they occur and what is the treatment for them, the answers to all these questions are given in this report.
As its name suggests, this headache is caused by toothache. Headaches are caused by pain in the jaw or pain in the teeth. Prolonged improper sitting in front of a computer or arthritis or gnashing of teeth at night can also cause this pain. It is easily diagnosed. Relieving stress and treating the jaw eliminates this headache.
Common types of pain
Some people get this pain every fortnight for three months. It is harmful to health. Anyone who feels this pain should stop using excessive amounts of painkiller immediately. Excessive use of painkillers also causes this pain. It is best to consult a doctor. Sometimes this pain goes away with the use of anti-depressant medications, but these medications should not be used without a doctor's advice.
Morning pain
Some people get a headache when they wake up in the morning. The main reason for this is shortness of breath during sleep. Sometimes this pain is a sign that there is a tumor in the head that is causing the pain. Whenever a person feels this pain, they should consult a doctor at the earliest.
Caffeine pain
This pain is caused by the consumption of caffeinated beverages and lasts for a certain period of time. It can happen again in a few days. If one is accustomed to drinking coffee in the morning and cannot drink it on any given day, then this pain arises due to lack of caffeine.
Pain when the nose closes
Experts say that excessive use of anti-depressant drugs can cause nasal congestion on a regular basis. The pain that arises from this reaches the head.
Half a headache
This headache makes you shake your head. It is more common in women than in men.
Pain due to anxiety
This pain is caused by stress and anxiety. Most people feel this pain on either side of the head or in the back of the head and do not get much worse. Sleep deprivation is caused by a feeling of stress. The dangerous side of it is that it gradually takes the form of an incurable disease. It is often cured with painkillers or sedatives. Staying away from stressful places and situations also heals.
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