Imran Khan misquotes Allama Iqbal, he apologizes

Imran Khan misquotes Allama Iqbal, he apologizes

Adding to his expanding list of blunders, mistaken attributions, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Saturday misquoted the national writer and philosopher "Allama Iqbal" but he quickly admits his mistake and apologizes. 

He wrote with the image,"This poem by Iqbal reflects how I try to lead mt life. I urge our youth to understand and absorb the poem of the great Iqbal and I guarantee them that it will release their great God-given potential that we all possess as His greatest creation Ashraf ul Makhluqat."

Some twitter users quickly pointed out the mistake and and tell the premier to fat check before posting anything on social media, with "Iqbal" becomes a top trend on Twitter in Pakistan.

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