The Couple Divorced after 45 years of marriage because of cats

The Couple Divorced after 45 years of marriage because of Cats

Many people have a passion for pets, and when the passion for anything grows to the point of insanity, it leads to harm.

According to a foreign news agency, the couple, who have been living together in Singapore for 45 years, got divorced due to which the woman became interested in raising cats. According to Judge Sheikh Mustafa Abu Al Hassan, the couple got married in 1975 and they got married. 45 years have passed since he had 3 children.

The judge said that their marital problems started in 1997 when the woman's love of cats became too much for her. She used to pick up every cat on her way home and take it to her house. The couple divorced 14 years ago over differences over cats.

Her neighbor complained to her several times about the spread of filth due to the woman, while the police and other officials warned her, but her interest did not diminish. Despite all efforts, the woman's cats Her husband divorced her when her passion for parenting did not diminish.

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