Monster Animals that do not exists now

135 million years ago, Dinosaurs were considered as the Earth's biggest animal ever lived. It was known as the largest and the most dangerous animal creature of history it is because of their scary and terrifying appearance.
You may not aware of this but millions of years ago, there were more dangerous and terrifying animals than dinosaurs used to live in the world.
If these animals exists today, the world would be something else no humans, no any other living creature could live.

It was one of the most dangerous sea animals ever lived. The size of teeth of this animal were huge enough. According to the expersts, the length of this animal was up to 4.6 meters long. Earlier, the animal was said to be related to Dinosaurs. Later then the experts dispelled this misconception and introduced it as a different animal.

This sea monster is also called "Spiral Snake". The teeth of this terrible creature were round and had three corners almost all of the different kinds of this fish that have been discovered have similar teeth. The history of this animal is about 290 million years old. According to an estimate the length of this fish was up to 3-4 meter long.

Such people who are afraid of snakes if this creature existed in today's world it would have been a nightmare for them. The length of this ancient creature was about 15-20 meters.
This was a terrible type of snake and it is said that this snake used to choose dinosaurs for its prey.

These tigers were one of the most dangerous and terrifying animals of the world ever lived. They are also known as the Siber toothed tiger. They had extreme power level they were the most strength full and powerful ancient specie of tigers that time. They used to kill their prey with the help of their teeths and ate them by tearing apart. One of their characteristics was that they were much larger than today's cheetahs. The history of this animal is only ten thousand years old.
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