Ali Zafar asked Prime Minister Imran Khan to lock down for how many days?

Ali Zafar asked Prime Minister Imran Khan to lock down for how many days?

Ali Zafar asked Prime Minister Imran Khan to lock down for how many days?

The total number of people infected with the corona virus has exceeded 125,000 and on a daily basis dozens of people are falling prey to it and leaving the world and it has also penetrated deep into Lahore. Hospitals are under a heavy burden that is growing.

Pakistan's international actor and singer Ali Zafar has made a big demand of Prime Minister Imran Khan in view of the current situation. 

He tweeted, "Dear PM Imran Khan and CM Usman Bazdar. Urging you to consider locking down Lahore for 15 days at least as the entire city has become a hot spot for the virus itself with appx 2 million people infected & growing exponentially putting unbearable pressure on the healthcare system." 

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